#SCRIPTS: Crack Head Flags Down the Police!

HER>excuse me officer can you help me sir? OFFICER> sure manm what seems to be the problem. HER> *Woman digs in her pocket...

HER>Look at this bullshit.. I paid $20 for this, and it aint nothing but some god dam shake. Officer how in the hell am i supposed to get high with this. It wont even fit into my pipe. OFFICER> Uh... manm what am i supposed to do? HER> shit... i need you to arrest the son of a bitch who sold me this or atleast help me get my money back. OFFICER> *Confused. Calls for back up.

OFFICER> Ok manm so who sold you the bullshit crack? HER>I'm pretty sure you guys kno DeVo. He be right outside the trap house on 127th street. He's over there right now. We can all go ride up on his ass. I'm thinking we can all just ambush him, i can jump out the car and you guys can force him to give me my money back. OFFICER> Okay manm, and then what happens when we get your money back? HER> Shit... imma go over to Joe on 8th street and buy some real high powered shit. he always gives me a great deal. I haven't been high all day officer you got to understand me... *frustrated

OFFICER> Manm, you wont be smoking anything today. You're under arrest for possesion of crack cocaine. Lmao!

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