#SCRIPTS: JAY5 - A Day At the Casino!

SETTING: So today we went downtown visit the new Horseshoe Casino, a huge crowd has gathered outside. People from all over the Cincinnati have waited for this moment, to come and try their luck and win big. Jay5 a local resident, has heard about the casino and shows up. It is his first ever time ever at a casino and he's about to try the slot machine... 

TRAY> Okay so Jay5... the object of the slots is you put your money into the machine to place your bet. You wanna get three matching symbols in a row to match. JAY5> Ok brah, then I win... right? TRAY> Yeah but the trick is... You gotta get the symbols in the right order. JAY5> Cool

* 30 Minutes Later... I come back over to the slots to see if everything is ok.

TRAY> So how is it going? Whats happening? JAY5> Brah, this shit live I just fucked around and came up $50.00 off a $1.00. I love this shit. TRAY> I know bra... that shit crazy. lol Did you turn your ticket in to get your cash yet? JAY5> Heeeeeellll Naaaaaah, shit im on a hot streak bra. I'm putting $20's in the machine now. LOL! Im fina cash out up here and make a quick come up. Leave this bitch with a quick $500.00. TRAY> Bra you need to be careful cuz that shit can get addicting real quick. JAY5> Bra I got this shit!

*4 hours later...
TRAY> wassup bra what it look like? JAY5>Man I dont even fucking know bra... TRAY>what you mean? JAY5> this dumb ass machine den fucking robbed me for like $375.00. TRAY> Now see, I told yo ass you was gone fuck around and get addicted. LOL! JAY5> *extremely pissed. I know but... Man Fuck Dat! Im ready to get the fuck otta here. Man fuck this machine fuck this dumb ass casino, and fuck they dumb as slot machines. They tricked me... Man fuck dat. Go get DeDe and tell her go get the car ready. Nigga, you keep laughing aint shit funny. TRAY> Okay Bra. *takes picture of JAY5 with the salty face and walks off! LMAO!!!..

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