Download: T.R.A.Y. - Had Enough (Song/Video)

Artist: T.R.A.Y.
Song: T.R.A.Y. - Had Enough
Album: Home 4 the 1st Time
T.R.A.Y. wrote this song in the middle of a relationship crisis. Its actually part of a 3 song story in which he meets the love of his life in the song "Hang On". We start going through issues in the song "Fairy Tale" which is told from a 3rd person perspective. "Fairy Tale" about wanting to chase your dreams but having to deal with the fact you'll end up leaving people behind. In "Had Enough" T.R.A.Y. / the character actually just gives up! its based on a TRUE STORY, and we shot the video in Cincinnati along the riverbank. This download is on the house. Comment if you like.... Lol. After you hear Part 4: Beautiful... Follow me on twitter: @SimplyTravell