How to: Find Your Soul-mate Step by Step!

Ok... I don't consider my self some sort of Hitch or Dr. Phil-osophy of relations. But I think I have a theory about chemistry and connections between ppl in love. I DONT kno how true this is but so far no one disagrees. Lol.
I was thinking one day... is there a straight foward way a person can find their soulmate. I know a lot couples that were happily together just months ago but it seems like more of my friends are breaking up. A few people I know, have been in long lasting marriages and now both want divorces. AFTER analyzing my own past relationships with women I have come realize a simple pattern in my life. Lol I HAVE FOUND that theres seems to be A CYCLE OF STEPS AND EVENTS THAT LED TO THE STRONGEST CHEMISTRY i ever had WITH women, it goes something like...

1.)Complete Strangers 2.)Introduction+ time = just friends  3.)Just friends + time = best friends 4.)Bestfriends + time + sex = friends w/benefits 5.) Friends w/Benefits + time = love 6.)love + agreement on both sides = birth of relationship 6.)relationship+ time= love

In my opinion this is the recipe for how to find your soulmate.
Now before you assume... just sit back and think of your current relationship and past love life and compare. Is there a pattern that seems to extist? Do you agree with this blog? Are you happy in your current relationship? Feel free to subscribe to "SimplyTravell the Blog". Leave all comments and replies on my Facebook or/and Twitter timeline.

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