Artwork - Kobe Bryant (Portrait)

Title: Kobe
Artist: Travell Adams
Media: Pencil
This picture was brought to you in part by my friend Eric Nathey. A few years ago i moved to California where i met this guy who was Kobe's #1 fan.  You know the type that watches every single game of their team's season, and calls off work for big games. lol. I wasnt really into following the NBA at the time, but he had me amped up thinking the Lakers would beat the Celtics that year and it would be a huge parade going on in the city streets. Well it turns out the Celtics won that year and the following year i moved back to Ohio. The next season Kobe and the Lake Show went all the way and Kobe got his 5th ring. I was kinda mad I didnt get to be in L.A. for the parade, so i sat down and drew this pic specifically for Nathey to get it framed and use it as a poster on his wall. I drew this using a regular pencil, and its one of the few "action" poses i've drawn. I hope its a gift he can remember me for, what do you think?